About me

When I was 23, I injured my back. Body workers couldn’t quite figure out how to support my healing. This began a journey where my body and even my pain became my most difficult and discerning teachers. Over time, I learned to listen to and integrate my body’s needs in a way that would help me heal my chronic pain issue, resulting in a stronger, healthier me.

When I found Somatic Experiencing, this learning deepened.

I’m so grateful to share the current state of my learning with you. I come to this work with over twelve years experience in mental health care and treatment. I look forward to meeting you where you are, and supporting your system’s needs.

There is no such thing as a life without trauma. It impacts everyone, at one point or another. For some of us, it occurs early, before or during birth. For others, it’s a repeated or drawn-out offense. Regardless of how trauma enters our life, whether by accident, through malice or disempowerment, or via a natural event or storm, how it affects us depends on what resources we had available at the time. The good news is, no matter how devastating the effects of trauma, we can reconnect with health and vitality using our body’s physiology in the here and now.

I believe in the power of story, and in the individual’s ability to claim and reclaim inherent strengths. This leads to new ways of thinking, being, and becoming, no matter how ingrained old patterns feel. I’ll help you center your needs so we can approach growth and transformation from the wisdom of the body’s knowing.